Wednesday, April 3, 2013


LOVE such a beautiful word but it's being abused nowadays. The word's become so cheap and this beautiful word can lead people to wrong directions. I don't find any real and perfect love in human. But everytime I imagine LOVE that Jesus's given to me, all my bad thoughts about love suddenly disappear. I mean like, God's love is real, it's not only written in the scripture, but I feel it every single day as I walk with Him. To be honest, in relationship with human, there will always be disappointments, hurts, sadness, tears, but in Jesus I find peace, comfort, joy, that come from brokenness that I feel with people.

I'm reading a book by Chad Eastham about "The Truth About Dating , Love, and Just Being Friends"
It's for teen, and I recommend this book. What I wanna share here, is about Just Being Friends. "Just Friends" is tough to hear when you're hoping for much more. But let's not let the term just friend minimize friendship. You can be just friends with an opposite sex, if you view your opposite sex as potential for romantic relationships, then you are limiting the human experience. And if you put your romance goggles to view them, then a few things will happen :

1. You'll only be looking at people to see what they can do for your needs.
2. You will miss out on people's unique identities, because you will limit them to their romantic capacity.
3. You will be ignoring the importance of wisdom of seeing one another as "brothers and sisters" in Christ, which opens up relationship well beyond just the romantic aspects.
4. You will miss out on learning self-control and the experience of shaping your minds and hearts through your behaviour. You don't have to be controlled by every thought and urge that pops up.

It's hard to be just friends I know, I've ever experienced this before. It's hard to let go people who care for you that you think none of your friends can care for you that much. Once you have felt how God really loves you, God alone is enough. Put God as your first priority, He will lead you to the right person at the right time.

So when you are still single (Doesn't mean when you are in relationship you don't need to serve Him :p) , use your time wisely to serve Him, get to know Him more, get to know His heart. It's hard to do that simply because we can't see God, but personally I believe, that His love is everywhere surrounding me, He use anything anyone to show His love for me, even from brokenness He shows His love, cause I believe His plans aren't harmful, but they give hope and future (Jer 29 : 11)

Love isn't only a term between boyfriend girlfriend, it's much more than that, James 4: 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. As last week sermon said, don't be afraid to miss out things in this world to get better things in The Heaven later. Chase God first! Without men God is still God, but men without God is nothing. You don't have to be afraid, the right one has been prepared by God, win God's heart first. Maybe you've been in love so many times but you ended up getting hurt, have you ever thought that maybe that's one of God's way to remind you that you need to fix your relationship with Him first, be thirst of His love, come to His well.


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