5:43pm, waiting for my laundry and I'm listening to Jadikanku rumah doaMu (Make me a house of prayer) by Pdt. Niko, haha I'm so lame yah maybe everyday listening to christian songs, but hey, it gives me strength and me time with Jesus :)
Suddenly I remember all of my friends and families who haven't known who Jesus is, especially my family. I'm not exposing or something I wanna share because I believe that there are so many people go through the same thing like me. Everytime I see their pictures, I feel so sad, I mean, I want them to taste God's unfailing love, God's mercy, God's grace, how amazing it is to dwell in His presence.
I feel so blessed like soooooo blessed that I came here to Melbourne and found a church that really builds me up, cell group, and encountered with God. And as I walk with Him, how I feel His love fills me everyday I feel like I have to share that love with those who haven't tasted it, and I know the most 'real' way to show them who don't believe in God is through the way I live my life. I'm not in Indo with my family how can I show them physically that God lives in me? I show them that God lives in me through bbm, skype, instagram, anything that I can use to glorify His name, I'm not perfect and not everything that I post is right from other people' perspective, but I try my best.
I've seen how my family's heart has become softer and softer each day, how they have opened their heart for Jesus little by little, it's not because I preach or whatever, it's truly because God works in them! Verse that I always hold on tight is Acts 16:31 Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved- you and your household!
I pray to God that don't give up on me till every knees bows and every tongue confesses that Jesus is the Lord. I have faith yes and amen that all my families and friends will eventually turn back to Jesus, and confesses that He's the Lord, He's real, and He's the God that has been there for them, blessing them, and He's the provider!
I can't change people' heart, no matter how hard I preach, it requires God's work, and it all comes back to His time. My lil sister who is in Indo texted me once about my family how they have opened their ear & heart to hear "Jesus", i'm speechless, and I cried , and I couldn't stop saying , God thankyou Jesus, thankyou. He works in mysterious ways that I will never be able to grasp. My biggest goal in my life, is to be a channel of blessings for many people, believers or unbelievers, sound so impossible and naif and too religious, It's hard I know, it requires a heart that fully wants to serve others without grumbling, love without boundaries, heart that fully wants to forgive. How I want my life to be a house of prayer :)
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