So today is your birthday
I'm thinking of you
You've been my friend in history
Past, present, and future
Dance among the ribbons of the birthday balloons
Smile through the lit candles
Sing to the classing happy tune
Eat the cake of wishes
Spin among the music and laughter in your perfect dress
Within you I've found the perfect friend
Someone who I know will be there till the end
Still as the wind on a hot summer's day
Still as your friendship I'll never betray
Within you I've found the perfect friend
A mind that i can comprehend
A person i see is so much like me
With whom I can be real and never pretend
Happy Birthday Gloria Setia Utama. I've posted the same thing last year on your birthday too here ;) So this is the 2nd. I can't attend your birthday party that's so sad. I'm leaving on the day you will be celebrating your once in a life time' moment. But I wish the party would go so well and I bet you will look soooo prettttttty later. Eventho we're not as close as we used to be but still you've got a special place in my heart , no one can replace you. You are my very first friend when i first came to this world. I just feel so sad that i can't spend a lot of time with you before i'm leaving. Come to melbourne yah we'll hang out and have fun. I wish nothing but yes, the very best for you, for your future & your present. May Jesus bless you and guide you, every move that you make every step that you take may Him bless and protect you. I'll see you soon!
I love you ,
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